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Why BreatheFit?

Our functional-fitness methodologies breaks the mold of typical exercise to meet the body's demands for needed conditioning. The outcomes of higher endurance, stamina, strength and control has made BreatheFit revolutionary to fitness. Every client is unique. That’s why we customize every program to fit your needs exactly. Our expertise in balancing your own physical capabilities to a higher level is our goal to make the most of what you are able to achieve. 

While we can always maintain a decent fitness level on our own, a certified personal trainer can guide their clients through a fitness program customized to suit their abilities and help them successfully achieve peak fitness. That’s why we love personal fitness trainers. Statistics show that 78% of people achieved their fitness goals faster and more effectively with the help of a personal trainer.


Like we always say, "Exercise is Medicine and Don't just breathe, BreatheFit!"

Accessibility is important to us. We are not diagnose driven and accept all having any form of de-conditioning, weakness, stamina or chronic medical issue. Our team works with pro-athletes and the casual exerciser raise their overall fitness level. As a private-pay studio, health-insurance limitations are not an issue. We perform free initial basic exercise screenings to recognize if our programs are appropriate for you. Let's discuss your goals. Call us to schedule your complimentary screening at (713) 487-9811 - We will change your life...

Remember:  Exercise is Medicine. Don't just breathe, BreatheFit!

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